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Filipino Leche Flan Recipe


PLeche Flan Desertreparation time: 30 minutes









Estimated cooking time: 1 hour









Leche Flan Ingredients:


  • 1 can (390g) evaporated milk

  • 1 can (390g) condensed milk

  • 10 egg yolks

  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract or lemon essence

    For the caramel:

  • 1 cup sugar

  • 3/4 cup water

  • Oval or round tin mold (llanera)


Leche Flan Cooking Instructions:


  • In a saucepan, mix the sugar & water. Bring to a boil for a few minutes until the sugar caramelize.

  • Pour the caramelized sugar into aluminum moulds - you can use any shape: oval, round or even square. Spread the caramel on the bottom of the moulds.

  • Mix well the evaporated milk, condensed milk, egg yolks and vanilla by hand or blender.

  • Gently pour the mixture on top of the caramel on the aluminum moulds. Fill the moulds to about 1 to  1 1/4 inch thick.

  • Cover moulds individually with aluminum foil.

  • Steam for about 20 minutes (the traditional way to make Leche Flan is by open-air steaming on either an open cooking fire or stove top) OR

  • Bake for about 45 minutes. Before baking the Leche Flan, place the moulds on a larger baking pan half filled with very hot water. Pre-heat oven to about 370 degrees before baking.

  • Let cool then refrigerate.

  • To serve: run a thin knife around the edges of the mould to loosen the Leche Flan. Place a platter on top of the mould and quickly turn upside down to position the golden brown caramel on top.


Cooking Tips:


  • You can tell when the Leche Flan is cooked by inserting a knife -if it comes out clean, it is cooked.


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Leche Flan is a classic Filipino dessert that has captured the hearts and taste buds of many Pinoys. Leche Flan is a caramel custard made with a simple yet heavenly combination of eggs, milk, and sugar. The magic happens when it’s topped with a layer of soft caramel that adds sweetness and depth. Adding Vanilla flavoring enhances its richness. Leche Flan is traditionally shaped like an oval due to the use of special tin molds called llaneras. These oblong containers make it easy to bake and serve the custard.


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